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How to do Remote Viewing of a Person.

You can observe an individual remotely, from a distance.

This method is used for the purpose of remote healing and medical intuition. 


 In ancient Greece, ancient doctors would go into an altered, dreamlike state and intuitively accessed information about their patients’ illnesses. They performed an intuitive body scan on a person instead of using x-rays, MRI or CT scans that we use in modern days.


They were very accurate according to some ancient texts.

How did they do that? Was it a special talent or a skill?

 I researched this and found that they were scanning energy centres (chakras) which connected to each chakra organ. It is called medical intuitive body scan. 


This package includes:

- Remote Viewing Meditation (step-by-step) MP3 - 40 min 

- Script of Remote Viewing - PDF


Duration: 40 min 

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