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"How to Read People - Intuitively" course

You can Read People Intuitvely. 

As a healer, you need to be able to read people, not just what they say, but who they are. Intuitive reading includes noticing nonverbal hints, sensing the energy of a person, seeing people’s masks and facades that cover the real person.


Logic alone won’t tell you the whole story about a person.

You must use the Intuitive mind to be able to read non-verbal intuitive signals that people give off. To do this, first of all, you should release any preconceptions and emotional baggage you have (it means old resentments, ego-clashes, personal wounds, grudges, jealousy and the like),  because all this baggage will stop you from seeing someone clearly. It is crucial to be neutral and impersonal to receive clear information without distorting it.

Here are my three steps that I use to read a person:

- Before I see a person (connecting to their name).

- When I am with a person (connecting to their energy field)

- Scanning their aura using my hands. 


This pakage includes:

- "How to Read People" meditation 30 min

- "How to Read People" Script (presentation) - Power Points 

Duration 30 min

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